Extension Software and Design
We, the Extension Software and Design team, are professionals dedicated to providing innovative and effective solutions. We specialize in developing user-friendly and impressive software designs. Our team follows the latest trends and technologies in the industry, bringing a unique and creative approach to each project.
Our Team
Our team consists of three talented editors and one developer/designer. These four professionals, each an expert in their field, are the driving force behind Extension Software and Design’s success.
Hallie: With an exceptional flair for content and editing, Hallie ensures that the copy is perfect in grammar, spelling, meaning, and fluency.
Sarah: Sarah blends visual and written content perfectly, giving each project a unique touch. She is the creative mind that makes copy visually appealing and compelling.
Stacy: Stacy is a detail-oriented editor who approaches each project with care and attention to detail, working on the final copy. She makes sure content is perfect before it reaches the end user.
One Developer/Designer : An expert in software and design, He is brings technical excellence and aesthetic richness to our projects. He develops innovative solutions to maximize the user experience.

Best Editor for Extension Guide And Review.

Best Editor for Extension Guide And Review.